Happiness is a temporary feeling, and you can bring it to your customers in many ways; in other words:
šµ You can give discounts;
š You can make promotions;
š You can send a gift;
š You can allow a feature for free.
There are many ways to bring happiness to your customers, this is a relatively easy job, but to make them loyal to your product, you should go way beyond that. Another thing I should mention is if you give a lot of things to your customer, your product won't scale.
On the other hand, talking about retention (and keeping customers loyal to your brand or product) is not just about making them feel happy. It's about making customers achieve the expected results.
When your product is consolidated and benefits customers, your retention rate will increase, making your company win more loyal customers.
Remember the UX, a good experience is essential as well!
Loyalty customers will:
š° Make the company get paid;
š Bring you feedback through sharing their pains;
š£ Refer other people and companies (mouth-to-mouth).