👨👩👧👧 As a father of 2 daughters, a husband of a brilliant woman, and a professional who has been working in technology for 17 years, I have seen cases that really shocked me.
🚫 A friend told me that the CEO of a startup (where he was working a long time ago) didn't want to hire a woman for the product area because women get pregnant and that's absurd. I need to tell everyone that my own wife was discriminated against at work for getting pregnant, and believe me, the discrimination came from another woman. Usually, it comes from men, but chauvinism it's a thing that can be inside any mind.
👎 Know that the points above were just two cases among several others that I've seen happen.
⛔ Belittling women in the work environment is something that must be abolished.
👨 As a man, I understand women cause, their pain, and I see everyone as equal, that is, I foresee a better future for all women and for diversity, which only makes your work environment richer and more inclusive, I am very proud of to see that many companies are following the path of diversity inclusion, which brings me comfort about the future of my daughters and everyone in general.
👂 I heard a lot of times, that my woman side is very intense and I feel that it is something very special that I have. Also, I only had the opportunity to work in such an amazing company because of a great Woman Leader.
🤩 There is more, I saw my company hiring a 5 months pregnant woman and I had the pleasure to be her leader. I need to say that it was an amazing experience and this woman is really a rockstar!
💫 I want to finish this text with great news!!! Lidiane Jones, a Brazilian Woman, will be Slack's new CEO after the co-founder leaves office, congratulations!!!!! Please check the link below: https://forbes.com.br/forbes-mulher/2022/12/brasileira-sera-nova-ceo-do-slack-apos-cofundador-deixar-o-cargo/?amp