Prioritization is the moment to decide which items on the backlog will effectively go to your team's roadmap. Don't forget to prioritize your initiatives based on:
Company/Cycle goals;
Alignment with stakeholders and cross-functional teams;
The potential impact of the initiative and quick wins are always ways to bring fast results.
🚦How does the Signal Confidence Score works?
There are great frameworks to do prioritization, like the RICE score for example, but I prefer using the one that I created, which I call The Traffic Light Confidence Score. It works basically like this, I use five themes and I give scores to them:
Relation with company objectives;
Team & Stakeholders Priority;
Potential Impact;
Delivery Effort;
Dependency with one or more teams;
Team's Confidence.
The formula that I created is the following:
(Relation with company objectives * Team & Stakeholders Priority * Potential Impact * Dependency * Team's Confidence) / (Delivery Effort) / (100)
It's straightforward, the more green colors you have, the more your initiative is aligned with the 6 themes above and the more scores it will have. You can see a Google Sheets example including the formula I created, use this link here.. You should think like this:
🟢 All Green = Quick win;
🌕 All Yellow = It's a risk fellow;
🔴 All Red = Don't go ahead.

I used the Traffic Light Confidence Score sheet and it worked very well!!! Thanks a lot for sharing, Fernando!!!1 😉