🏢 While many companies were sacrificing their people to save their profits, Pehr Gyllenhammar, Pehr former CEO of Volvo, has a culture that is wholly directed to:
"appreciating the people who work for you and remembering that it’s often the people on the front lines who make your business successful."
👨🏫 Pehr mentions that few Leaders value their people's well-being
There are very few leaders today who actively put the well-being of their people ahead of profits. Pehr says, “I put people before profits because if I didn’t have good people, we couldn’t have productivity or have our aspirations come true. So I have people before profits, and it’s not declining profits. I think profits are significant for any shareholder company and that the shareholders should have their part, but the people will create it.”
✨ The way to lead is not through brutality
He says companies today are not only laying people off but doing so brutally. That’s not the way to lead. During the recessions Pehr went through as a CEO, he made it a priority to take care of his people and to protect the most vulnerable. Because of that, his employees trusted him and felt safe and motivated.
➡ Do you want to know more?
Read Jacob Morgan's post below:
▶ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/former-ceo-volvo-pehr-gyllenhammar-why-we-need-put-people-morgan-1c/?midToken=AQGNIvrST1aFzw&midSig=2Vs7fwJJUOaqA1&trk=eml-email_series_follow_newsletter_01-newsletter_hero_banner-0-open_on_linkedin_cta&trkEmail=eml-email_series_follow_newsletter_01-newsletter_hero_banner-0-open_on_linkedin_cta-null-1mbxmc~lc0j1dm8~g4-null-null&eid=1mbxmc-lc0j1dm8-g4
🌎 Humanizing and motivating is the better path - Make a strategy to hire people, don't begin hiring indiscriminately just because you received a lot of investments
I agree with Pehr, and humanizing things that happen and learning from errors is the best way to reach excellent results.
Many startups are receiving huge investments and hiring people without any strategy. Before thinking if they are indispensable, in other words, before you hire a bunch of employees, you should plan how you will grow gradually, put people ahead of your profits, and don't go to the temptation of planning to hire a significant amount of people just because the company wants to grow fast, this is not the right solution, and probably in the long term, you will need to fire good people that have are also great professionals just because the company made a mistake.
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